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WOXAPP believes that it is impossible to develop a twitching solution without doing proper market research, inclusive of an analysis of opponents & audience, and producing unique product in the end.
Obviously, It is difficult to find a team of decent and smart developers out there, that can come up with innovative ideas for a startup that will really work.
The world is always in motion; it never stands still, constantly changing and developing. In the 21st century, these dynamics have been felt particularly in the rapid growth of technology and globalization, which has become an integral part of our lives.
Today's mobile development market looks like a snowball that is rolling down the mountain and gradually becoming larger and larger in size.
We are so excited to announce that we were featured on Clutch 1000, the top 1000 companies rated on Clutch.
Day in day out the number of retail companies keep increasing and never before in the history of mankind, there has been such a huge choice of goods and services as of nowadays...
The era of the Internet of things (IoT) began to develop rapidly in 2008-2009 when the number of devices connected to the Internet exceeded the world’s population....
There has been a lot of talk about Android design templates lately, such as MVP, MVC and MVVM. We strongly advise to use the last one (MVVM Android). Many of mobile apps...
In this article, you will learn how to test Web projects and mobile applications in our company.
GPS navigation is a great part of our life. Modern people prefer driving, travel hard and use online maps to find the right ways through multiple existing routes. Large...
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